Concerned about mosquitoes, algal blooms, or septic system safety? Check out these useful fact sheets from CDC and EPA:
Some ELHA members worry about mosquitoes given proximity to our shallow lake, several feeder creeks, and the swamp across Briarcliff Rd. Georgia continues to report rare cases of West Nile virus. Florida recently reported the first cases of locally transmitted Zika virus infection in the US. The offending mosquito species thrive throughout Georgia.
Preventing mosquito bites that (rarely) transmit West Nile, Zika, and other mosquito-borne diseases in the US:
ELHA members have reported persistent blooms this summer in both shallow and deeper ends of the lake.
Preventing potentially toxic algal blooms that occur in shallow, slow lakes in summer due to fertilizer runoff and septic overflows:
Several homeowners on Echo Trail and in neighborhoods that drain into Echo Lake use septic systems because they lack public or private sewer lines.
Septic system maintenance to prevent toxic overflow into lakes and creeks: